Friday, November 13, 2009

Latest on Sarah

I just got this update. Please keep praying for Sarah. I appreciate it tremendously.

We are all home.
"Good" news is that the laryngeal cleft (hole in the airway) that was
repaired on Sept 21 is healing nicely.

Sarah's air pipe and voice box is very inflammed. The doctors do not know why. The doctor ran lots of tests: numerous blood tests, urine test, fluid from both lungs, and cultures/tests from the air pipe. We won't get the results from the tests until Monday and some of the test will take a week. So, they can't treat it until they know what it is. Something is going on, but they don't know what. So, we are all home.

Thank you for your prayers.

John & Carrie


Macey said...

You got it.

He & Me + 3 said...

I was just praying for her today. I will continue.

Foursons said...

Baby steps. Good to hear there was some healing going on!

Beth E. said...

Lifting Sarah (and her parents)in prayer...what a cutie she is! Thanks for the update on her.

Mimi said...

I'll be praying for all of them.